A couple minutes walking from the very center of Amsterdam will bring you straight to one of the best hidden secrets that the city has to offer, Annemieke’s studio, in a quiet area just by a canal, where the buildings aren’t too high and allow the natural light to get in.
Back in 2012, during one of her numerous trips to the south of Sweden, where her lover and herself own a wooden summerhouse in the middle of the woods, they visited a little town where they discovered, in the harbour, a building that is home to several local artists, one of them was a potter. The ceramist was sitting at his throwing wheel, and after a quick chat he realized how interested she was in the process and offered her to teach her to throw. One week later, she was sitting behind the throwing wheel, soft clay in her hands and she felt something overwhelming, goosebumps and tears in her eyes, making her realize that this was what she had to do next. Back then, she had no idea she would ever be able to do it, to create something out of clay, something she could sell, she just wanted to create.